Committee’s Charge
Benefits and Compensation Committee (BCC) members attain basic knowledge about all employee benefits offered by the College, and analyze and review the benefit programs, taking into consideration diverse needs and budgetary limitations.
The BCC reviews on an annual basis the health related benefits, including health insurance, Flexible Benefits Plan and Emeriti Retirement Health Plan, and advises the President’s Staff regarding any changes that the BCC recommends for the following plan year. BCC will also review as needed the benefits other than health, which currently include life and long term disability insurance, tuition remission and staff paid time off benefits (vacation, emergency/sick leave). This group will play an important role in the implementation of an retention incentive for faculty and staff.
- AVP for HR: Reneé Boelcke
- VP for Business and Finance: Lisa VanDeWeert
- Faculty PB&C: Katie MacLean, Michael Powers
- Staff: Jennifer Combes (June 2025), Sarah Bryans (June 2028)
- Retiree: Vacant
Principles for BCC membership
- Diverse representation of employee population
- Four-year terms designed to develop knowledge and provide continuity
- Broad, institutional perspective rather than narrow or solely personal interests
Selection and Membership Process
Faculty: Selected from faculty committee Planning, Budget, and Compensation.
Staff: President will receive recommendations from President’s Staff members and constituent groups. Interested individuals may nominate themselves. President will appoint members from the combined pool of candidates.
Retiree: Volunteers or recommendations, discussed by President’s Staff, then appointed by President.
In addition to on-going membership of VP for Business/Finance and AVP HR, committee members will include faculty, staff, and retirees. Retirees are for discussions about health insurance and will be consulted as needed for other issues.
Members will generally serve four year terms with one quarter replaced annually.