Tuition Support

Kalamazoo College is proud to offer tuition support for dependents of eligible employees through three distinct avenues.

Tuition Remission

Whether your child matriculates at Kalamazoo College or another Great Lakes College Association partner, tuition remission is a benefit not to be missed!

Kalamazoo College provides full tuition and mandatory fee benefits if the eligible child matriculates at Kalamazoo College.

Admission Information

Admission to Kalamazoo College is determined through the regular admissions process established by the College, without regard to the applicant’s potential eligibility for tuition remission. The student should file an application for admission in the usual way and complete the application for Kalamazoo College’s tuition benefit.

Application for tuition benefit

Kalamazoo College employees with children enrolled at K should complete the form below to begin the process.

Kalamazoo College Tuition Remission

This benefit applies if the eligible child attends at another school in the Great Lakes Tuition Remission Exchange (GLCA-TRE). The student is charged a tuition share equal to 10% of average tuition of participating schools.

Great Lakes Tuition Remission Exchange Participating Institutions

Albion College
Allegheny College
Antioch College
Beloit College
Denison University
DePauw University

Earlham College
Grinnell College
Hope College
Kalamazoo College
Kenyon College
Lake Forest College

Oberlin College
Ohio Wesleyan University
Wabash College
Washington and Lee University
Willamette University
Wittenberg University
The College of Wooster

Admission Information

Admission to the college the student wishes to attend will be determined through the regular admissions process established by
that college, without regard to the applicant’s potential eligibility for tuition remission. The student should file an application
for admission in the usual way and pay all required fees and deposits for the college he or she wishes to attend. Policies affecting the student are determined by the college that the student attends.

Tuition Remission Application

Application to the TRE program must be made each year to the college at which the parent is employed. Copies of the application are forwarded to the GLCA office and to the admitting college.

Tuition Remission Fee

A Student TRE Fee must be paid by the student each year. This fee is 10 percent of the mean charge of tuition for the participating colleges. The participation fee will be billed by the college the student is attending.

The charges included in the remission of tuition are determined by the college the student is attending. In general, tuition is defined to include all tuition and fees charged by the college with the exception of room, board, and special fees not charged to all students. The fees charged to students that are not included in the remission of tuition are listed on the back.
Each participating student should apply for all state and/or federal financial aid for which (s)he may be eligible. A student
whose demonstrated need exceeds the remitted tuition should discuss the possibility of additional financial aid with the director
of financial aid at the college (s)he plans to attend. Institutions participating in the GLCA TRE program, when accepting externally awarded financial aid for a TRE eligible student:

  • May not use the external aid to discount the TRE benefit;
  • Should consider the TRE Fee as tuition and thus students must be allowed to apply any external aid that can be used for tuition against the TRE Fee; and
  • Should notify students of the amount of excess or unused aid, if institutional policy prohibits the student from using non-TRE aid (e.g. external scholarships, grants, etc.) for non-tuition expenses (e.g. room & board, fees, etc.)

Use of the TRE benefit toward off-campus study is determined by the college the student is attending. The current list of eligible programs follows these guidelines.

Participating students must be full-time degree candidates. Only charges for the regular academic year at the college attended are included. Tuition Remission is available for only 8 semesters or 12 quarters (four years) of study with case by case exemptions being permitted if both sending and admitting colleges agree. Participating students must make satisfactory academic progress, as determined by the college they are attending, in order to retain eligibility for tuition remission.

Application for Participation

Please download, complete the form, and provide it to Miasha Wilson ( or 108 Mandelle) in the Office of Human Resources.

This form is to be used only if the child is expected to attend a GLCA-TRE institution other than Kalamazoo College.

Change in Student Status

Reasons to complete this form include that the student is taking a temporary leave of absence from school, the parent is no longer eligible for TRE, or that the student is withdrawing from college.

Complete this form and provide it to Miasha Wilson ( or 106 Mandelle) in the Office of Human Resources.

Tuition Exchange Scholarship

Tuition Exchange (TE) is a reciprocal scholarship opportunity for the dependents of eligible faculty and staff at all 677+ Tuition Exchange member schools.   

Scholarship Value

The value of the TE scholarship is tuition or the annual set rate. Be aware that TE funding may include federal and state grant dollars, and any institutional scholarships, and merit or need-based institutional grants. The set rate is adjusted annually. For 2020-21 the set rate is $38,000, 21-22, the set rate is $39,000, and for 2022-23 the set rate is $40,000.

Admission Information

Applicants need to check with all Import schools for any additional requirements.  Requirements can include filing the FAFSA annually, maintaining minimum grade point average, being enrolled full-time, and living on campus.

How do I know if my child received the Tuition Exchange scholarship?

TE is a competitive award process. Applicants need to complete the Tuition Exchange Application and inquire about individual TE application dates and procedures at all Import schools where the student is considering applying to and potentially enrolling. Tuition Exchange is not an employee benefit nor is it a guaranteed scholarship opportunity.

Tuition Exchange Application

If you are going to apply for the TE please also complete the Kalamazoo College TE Application Form.

Have questions?

Check out these frequently asked questions or contact

How is dependent defined?

All natural children, regardless of their financial support, and any other children who are claimed as IRS dependent (i.e. adopted or step-children) are eligible for benefits under the Kalamazoo College tuition remission and Tuition Exchange programs. Employees will be expected to submit a copy of tax returns as confirmation that an adopted child or a stepchild has been treated as a dependent for tax purposes.

Kalamazoo College will honor requests for tuition remission through the end of the academic year in which the child attains age 25.

Which faculty and staff members have access to Tuition Remission and the Tuition Exchange Scholarship for their dependents?
  • Employees must have at least two consecutive service years of 3/4 time or more, and
  • Be in a position of at least 3/4 time or more immediately prior to matriculation.
What does three-quarters (3/4) time mean?

Three-quarters time (3/4) refers to the amount of time a position is expected to be in relation to a full-time position. This calculation is used for monthly and bi-weekly paid positions. *1,560 hours per year is the minimum amount of time to be eligible for this benefit.

Position TypeComputation ExamplesAnnual Hours
Full-time52 weeks x 40 hours2080 hours per year
Part-time (3/4 time)52 weeks x 30 hours, or
39 weeks x 40 hours
1,560 hours per year*
Part-time (less than 3/4 time)48 weeks x 30 hours, or
33 weeks x 40 hours
1,440 hours per year
1,320 hours per year
What would happen in the event of the retirement, disability, or death of the eligible employee?


Tuition remission benefits will be available to the children of retired employees provided that the retiree completed a minimum of 25 years of full-time, benefits-eligible service at Kalamazoo College. The level of tuition remission benefits available will range from a minimum of 75% to a maximum  of 100%.  The service requirements and corresponding benefit levels are as follows:

Years of eligible serviceBenefit Level

Disability or death

  • Children who have begun their College work under a particular tuition remission program would be allowed to continue under normal policies then in effect.
  • For children who matriculate within five years of the death or disability, the benefit would continue to be available for attendance at Kalamazoo College.
Are there any other pieces to know?

The total benefit is limited to eight academic years. No one child may receive more than the equivalent of four years of full-time undergraduate education.

If both parents are employed by the College, eligibility will be considered as extended to the family, with the same eligibility as would be available to an individual employee.

The parent must file a Financial Aid Form or be granted a waiver from filing the FAFSA and must show proof of application for State, Federal and institutional aid to be eligible for tuition remission payments from Kalamazoo College. The timely completion of all application materials is the responsibility of the parent. Any Federal tax assessed on these benefits now or in the future, current or retroactive, is the responsibility of the recipient’s family.

There is no option to preserve years of Tuition Scholarship/Remission eligibility by any form of reimbursement to the College for GLCA Tuition Remission Exchange costs.

Although there are no plans to discontinue its tuition remission and tuition exchange programs, if the College were to do so, there will be no further obligation to the child(ren) of retired, disabled, or deceased faculty or staff.

Do you offer tuition support allowing continuing education of faculty and staff?

At this time, we are only able to complete verification of eligibility for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (PSLF). This federal program is designed to encourage careers in public service by forgiving the remaining balance on eligible student loans after 10 years of service and consistent, on-time monthly payments.