Passive Enrollment Action Guide

New Feature! During the November 2024 Open Enrollment period, medical, dental, vision, and life insurance elections in effect on December 31 will automatically carry over into the January – December 2025 Plan Year, unless you take action.
Flexible spending and accident insurance elections will not carry over unless you take action.

This Guide is offered because passive enrollment is unusual at Kalamazoo College. Recommended action, or non-action, will appear at the bottom of the form based on the options selected. You may elect to email the recommendation to yourself.

Have benefit questions? Please contact HR at

Passive Enrollment FAQs

What is the difference between an “active” and a “passive” Open Enrollment?

Historically, Open Enrollment has been an “active” enrollment, meaning that eligible colleagues needed to re-elect their medical, dental, and/or vision coverage or those coverages would end when the renewal date began.
“Passive” enrollment means that non-action will cause the most recent health/dental/vision elections to carry forward into the new Plan year.

Why is passive enrollment used during this open enrollment?
  • The short Plan Year (July-December 2024) reduces the likelihood that employees will want to make changes to their health/dental/vision elections.
  • Employee premiums are not changing during this Open Enrollment period, which means the process needed to recalculate current-salary-based employee premiums is not necessary.
  • Time is precious. This is a set of circumstances in which we can avoid asking each person to complete a task.
Why do I have to take action for Flexible Spending?

Regulations require that eligible employees must “opt-in” to flexible spending annually.

How can I access the form necessary for life insurance and/or accident insurance changes?

Watch for the forms to arrive to your residence. You may also the form(s) by emailing HR at