Prescription Benefits Program

Kalamazoo College is proud to partner with Magellan PBM for our prescription benefits.

TIPS: When filling prescriptions, be sure your pharmacy provider has your new ID card information loaded in their system to avoid claims processing issues. ID cards were sent to your home address in mid-June 2022. Be sure your address has been updated with Human Resources if you have recently moved.

Member Portal

As your pharmacy benefit manager, Magellan Rx Management is committed to providing quality tools to help you make better healthcare decisions. With our Price a Drug tool, you can:

  • View comparative drug pricing for up to five retail pharmacies
  • Search for a drug using our convenient auto-complete feature
  • Select from previously-filled drugs and see dosage and strength options based on the drug selected
  • Read drug pricing messages in clear, understandable language

To get started, visit Prime Therapeutics and select Member and Consumers under Login Portals at the bottom of the page. You will need to complete the one-time registration process the first time you log in. To register, fill out the registration form. Click on the confirmation links sent to the email you registered with within 24 hours. You will need to re-register if you don’t click on the link within 24 hours. The link will take you to the member login page. This completes your registration.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started on the Magellan Rx member portal?

STEP ONE – Visit Prime Therapeutics and select Member and Consumers under Login Portals at the bottom of the page.

STEP TWO – Log in. You will need to complete the one-time registration process the first time you log in. To register, fill out the registration form. Click on the
confirmation link sent to the email you registered with within 24 hours. You will need to re-register if you don’t click on the link within 24 hours. The link will take you to the member login page. This completes your registration.
STEP THREE – Get to know your dashboard to:

  • Access your ID card
  • View recent claims
  • Renew and refill home delivery prescriptions
  • Access your formulary, and more!

Login today at Prime Therapeutics. If you have any questions about your prescription benefits, please call us at 1.800.424.0472.

Will my medication(s) be covered by my insurance?

Based on Magellan Rx’s preferred drug list, you medication may need to be changed in order to be covered. The prescription drug benefit is one of the most important and commonly used elements of health plan coverage. To find drugs that are covered by your plan, Magellan Rx offers an easy-to-use formulary drug lookup tool. The formulary drugs have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as safe and effective and were selected by Magellan’s team of expert health care professionals.

Your Human Resources office can also provide you with the current formulary list.

What will my medication(s) cost?

The copayment structure is now broken up into 4 tiers and mail order remains an option based on the following chart:

CategoryBlack PlanOrange Plan
Tier 1$10 copay$10 copay
Tier 2$25 copay$25 copay
Tier 3$50 copay$50 copay
Tier 4$100 copay$100 copay
Mail Order Rxx2 copayx2 copay
Prescription Drug Copayment
How do I get my prescriptions?

Please use the link to obtain a listing of national and regional retail pharmacies that participate in Magellan Rx Management’s
broadest commercial pharmacy network. Many of the independent pharmacies across the United States
also participate in our network. This list is subject to change. To determine if a pharmacy is in our network,
please visit

What can I do to ensure a smooth transition?
  • Refill current medications prior to the transition to ensure you don’t run out in the days immediately following the transition.
  • Checking to ensure your medications are on the Formulary Drug List.
  • Accessing the Pharmacy Finder to find an ‘in-network’ pharmacy near you.
Is there an option for mail order?

Rather than visiting a pharmacy month after month, you can save time and money by having maintenance medications delivered right to your home. A Maintenance Medication is a drug you take on a regular basis to treat or control a chronic illness such as heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes. When you get your maintenance medication through mail order, shipping is free and you may get a 90-day supply of medications for less than what you will pay at a retail pharmacy. Follow these steps to get started.

  1. If you already have a 90-day prescription:
    • Mail your 90-day prescription and home delivery order form with payment information to: Magellan Rx Pharmacy; P.O. Box 620968; Orlando, FL 32862
  2. If you need a new prescription: (First, ask your doctor to write two prescriptions)”:
    • 30-day supply to fill right away at your local pharmacy
    • 90-day supply with refills to start your home delivery service
    • Ask your doctor to e-prescribe to Magellan Rx Pharmacy, LLC (Mail-ORL) or fax your prescription to 888.282.1349.
What is Select Drugs and Products Program – Paydhealth about?

The Select Drugs and Products Program is a service to assist persons treated with brand specialty drugs and is paid for by Kalamazoo College. Enrollment in the Program is required to access the payable benefits available for specialty drugs under the Plan. The Paydhealth Select Drugs and Products Program can be reached at 877.869.7772 8:00am – 8:00pm CST.

If you are taking a specialty drug:

  • A Paydhealth program case coordinator will contact you
  • Your case coordinator will tell you what you need to know about the program and will walk you through the enrollment process and requirements.
Are there any options to save money locally for specialty medications?

Yes! Specialty Medications are often very expensive and prescribed to treat rare or complex diseases like cancer, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune diseases, and rare genetic conditions. These medications often require special handling and additional services to support patients and are only available from select pharmacies known as Specialty Pharmacies.

Through partnership with Magellan Rx, your Plan selected the Select Drugs and Products Program, which is a service to assist persons treated with brand specialty drugs and is paid for by Kalamazoo College. More information concerning with Program is provided in the FAQ directly above this one, entitled “What is Select Drugs and Products Program – Paydhealth about?”

Members on specialty pharmacy infusion or injection-based therapies may find Remote Services a more convenient and comfortable option, while saving you money. If you are taking a medication that is infused (via an IV) or given as an injection by a healthcare professional, you have options available which promote exceptional care and lower costs. Remote Services are a more convenient and clinically appropriate option for many, reducing risk of exposure to other illnesses and offering a safe and flexible service option to meet member needs. When remote services are an option, a care specialist will contact you to discuss the benefits and how to get started.
*Remote Infusion therapy may be an option for some patients. Site of care will be determined based on the patient’s medical provider(s), medical status, safety considerations of the medication, drug labeling, and payer specifications. Visit to learn more about services, treatment, therapy options and more.

Who can I contact with questions?

Magellan Rx
The Magellan Rx customer support team is eager to help you get the most out of your drug benefit. Call directly at 800.424.0472 for:

  • Anytime your pharmacy has issues processing your prescription.
  • Questions regarding your drug benefit
  • To understand the formulary status and copay for your medications
  • To get enrolling in mail order or specialty pharmacy services
  • To get assistance in accessing to the member portal (for web support, please contact 800.424.5878)
  • To find out what retail pharmacies are in network near you.

Phone: 800.424.0472
Fax: 800.424.3260

Please contact Magellan Rx Customer Service for support: By Phone: 800.424.0472 or by fax:800.424.3260.

Please contact your Human Resources department for support and/or receive this information in printed format.