Tasks for Student Employees Working Remotely

The Professionalizing Student Employment group offers the following suggestions for students who are working remotely.

  • Checking all links on department website 
  • Professional development webinars 
  • Writing down, photograph, drawing, art, video or audio recording their stories of learning during COVID-19
  • Reviewing job descriptions – updating with new tasks 
  • Creating their own LinkedIn profiles 
  • Attending department meetings, taking notes 
  • Creating social media content
  • Assist with answering emails 
  • Create and distribute surveys about department services, log data, reporting 
  • Create brochures, flyers, postcards, etc about services provided 
  • My first bit of advice is to not reinvent the wheel. Are there things that student workers have already been working on remotely that they can continue to work on? 
  • Research – Deep research projects that you’ve never been able to get to because of the day to day business. For example the CCPD is working with alumni relations to get a list of all of the alumni within 30 miles of the top 30 cities students are interested in living in. Once we get the data back we will have the students worker go city by city, name by name, looking the alum up in LinkedIn and adding their LinkedIn profile and their career information so we know which alumni we’d like to partner with in the future.  
  • Surveying peers on their current needs during this time (check with KCCSR for overlap) 
  • Data analysis projects – are their data-entry or basic data analysis projects for AACK/College assessment questions that students can compile/compute (keeping privacy rules in mind)? 
  • Creative project – if they could re-design your department’s physical space, how would they do that? What choices would they make and why? Then, what choices might be free/cheap to implement once we get back to campus? 
  • Have them create lists of ways to utilize their quarantine time that would be beneficial to them professionally