Leaving Kalamazoo College

Voluntary Termination

If an employee decides to end employment with the College, the supervisor and the Human Resources Office should be notified in writing. Hourly paid staff members are expected to give at least two weeks’ notice and salaried staff thirty days’ notice. Failure to give such notice will result in the forfeiture of the right to receive payment for any unused accrual of vacation leave time. 


Retirement eligibility is defined by the College as minimum age 55 years with at least ten years of continuous service, or for late hires, minimum age 65 years with at least five years of continuous service. Benefit eligible employees who participate in the Emeriti Retirement Health Plan and who terminate employment after attaining retirement eligibility as defined under the Plan are eligible for certain health benefits in retirement. See http://www.kzoo.edu/hr/benefits.htm. 

Involuntary Termination

In most situations, when an employee is subject to discharge by the College, pay for vacation and wages earned to date of termination will be included in the final paycheck. Each case will be decided following a review of the circumstances leading to the termination. Employees terminated for gross misconduct will forfeit pay for any unused accrual of vacation leave time. 

Reductions in Staff

In the event that a reduction in staff becomes necessary, the President’s Staff will first determine which positions, when cut back, would least affect the operation of the College. Alternative solutions to position elimination, including reductions in hours, temporary or permanent reassignments, salary freezes or salary reductions may all be considered. 

As a matter of practice, appointments at Kalamazoo College are for indefinite durations, depending upon the needs of the institution and the performance of the individual. If it becomes necessary to reduce the work force, temporary positions will be eliminated first, provided the employees retained can perform the available work. A written notice of the effective date of termination will be given, if possible, at least two weeks in advance. Pay for two weeks may be given in lieu of notice. 

If employment is terminated, an employee may elect to extend health insurance coverage by meeting the requirements of Federal law known as COBRA. The College will provide proper notice and information when circumstances require. 

Items to Consider

Please visit Conclusion of Employment for a list of important information to consider when leaving K.